How to Deal with Bad Reviews on Airbnb

Getting a bad review on Airbnb can be discouraging, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the world. Everyone gets bad reviews from time to time, and most potential guests will understand that. The key is to handle the review professionally and politely, and to use it as an opportunity to improve your hosting skills. It’s crucial to remember that bad reviews are a natural part of hosting and the way we handle them can define our growth as hosts.


In this article:

1. Tips for responding to negative Airbnb reviews
2. Example of how to answer to a bad Airbnb review
3. Tips of how you can avoid bad reviews on Airbnb



1. Maintain Composure and Objectivity

When confronted with a negative review, emotions can run high. The key is to resist the urge to react emotionally. Instead, take a step back and assess the review objectively. Delve into the guest’s perspective to comprehend their concerns. Not all negative reviews are unjust and some offer constructive feedback that can significantly benefit your hosting skills.


2. Allow Time for Reflection

Before crafting a response to a negative review, it’s wise to take a breather. This will allow emotions to settle, providing a fresh perspective. Reflect on the review and the guest’s experience. Are there genuine areas that warrant improvement? Taking a moment to reflect can facilitate a more constructive response.


3. Address Valid Concerns Professionally

Negative reviews vary in validity. Some may indeed contain valid points and helpful suggestions, while others could stem from misunderstandings or impractical expectations. It’s essential to distinguish between these scenarios. When a review highlights legitimate concerns, acknowledge them in your response. Express gratitude for the guest’s feedback and articulate your plans for rectifying these issues.


4. Craft a Thoughtful Response

Maintain professionalism when responding to negative reviews. Craft your response carefully, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. Display appreciation for the guest’s input, convey empathy for their experience, and elucidate your strategies for improvement. Keep your response concise, respectful, and solution-oriented.


5. Seek Support and Guidance

In challenging review scenarios, remember that assistance is readily available. Airbnb extends customer support to aid hosts in resolving issues. If you need immediate help, you can also tweet @AirbnbHelp. Explain the problem you’re having, be as specific as possible, and include any relevant information, such as your booking number or the property address. You can also attach photos or videos to your tweet.

Airbnb customer support will typically respond to tweets within a few hours. If you don’t receive a response, you can try tweeting again or sending a direct message to @AirbnbHelp.


Here is an example of a tweet you could send: 



You can also include a link to your Airbnb booking in your tweet or send it to @AirbnbHelp in a direct message.


How to Answer a Bad Review?

Here is an example you may find useful:

Bad review:

The property was not as clean as advertised. There was dust on the furniture and the towels were dirty.




Dear [guest name],

I am so sorry to hear that you had a negative experience during your stay at [your property’s name]. I take cleanliness very seriously, and I am disappointed that my property was not up to your standards. I have already taken steps to address this issue by hiring a professional cleaning service.

Thank you for your feedback. I will use it to improve my cleaning procedures and provide a better experience for future guests.



This response is short and to the point, but it still addresses the guest’s concerns. The host apologizes for the problem, explains what they are doing to fix it and thanks the guest for their feedback.


Here are some Additional Tips for Answering Bad Reviews:

    • Be polite and professional.
    • Apologize for the problem.
    • Explain what you are doing to fix it.
    • Thank the guest for their feedback.

By following these tips, you can answer bad reviews in a way that is professional and helpful. This will show potential guests that you are a responsible and trustworthy host.


But How Can you Avoid Bad Reviews on Airbnb?

1. Set Clear Expectations

One of the best ways to avoid bad reviews is to set clear expectations for your guests. This includes being honest about your property and its amenities, as well as your house rules. You should also be clear about your cancellation policy and refund procedures.

You can set clear expectations by writing a detailed listing description and house rules. You can also include photos of your property that accurately reflect its condition.


2. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Another way to avoid bad reviews is to provide excellent customer service. This means being responsive to guest inquiries, being helpful and accommodating.


3. Get Feedback from Guests

You can avoid bad reviews by getting feedback from guests. This will help you to identify any areas where you can improve. You can get feedback from guests by asking them to leave reviews after their stay. You can also send them a follow-up email or message to ask how their stay was and if there’s anything you could have done better.


4. Encourage your Guest Experience

A guest experience app, like Tourmie, stands as a valuable ally in the quest to enhance reviews and attract future guests. It offers an array of features to simplify the guest’s journey and elevate their whole experience, including:

  • Guest Guides: Tailor-made guest guides that furnish tips, recommendations, and essential property and locality information. These guides contribute to memorable stays and favorable reviews.
  • Interactive Maps: Interactive maps simplify neighborhood exploration. Showcase nearby attractions, dining options, and services to enrich your guests’ experience.
  • Effortless Communication: A guest experience app streamlines communication between hosts and guests, facilitating easy inquiries. Swift responses to guest questions can translate into improved reviews.
  • Local Experiences: Offer unique local experiences, differentiating your listing and garnering positive reviews from delighted guests.

By following these tips, you can avoid bad reviews on Airbnb and provide your guests with a great experience.


Improve your guest experience


Negative reviews, while disheartening, represent opportunities for growth and refinement in the world of Airbnb hosting. By maintaining composure, addressing valid concerns and responding professionally, you can transform unfavorable reviews into catalysts for improvement. Even seasoned, top-rated hosts encounter unfavorable feedback. Embrace the insights gleaned from negative reviews, consistently evolve with guest experience apps and relentlessly pursue the best reviews you’ve ever received. Remember, in the dynamic world of hosting, continuous improvement is the key to long-term success and guest satisfaction.

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