What’s new on Tourmie: March 2024

Welcome to Tourmie’s latest news! This month, we’re excited to share a number of important updates and improvements to our platform, designed to enhance your experience and boost your performance.





What’s new on Tourmie:

1) Brand colors on the guest guide

You can now customize your guest guide with colors that represent your brand. This personalization not only enhances your brand recognition but also creates a more engaging experience for your guests.


→ Add your brand colors

View the guide


2) New fields on the online check-in form

With additional fields, such as identification documents and information about extra guests, the check-in process becomes even more complete and efficient for everyone.

• Identity document

Require guests to submit a document to verify their identity (e.g., ID card, passport, or driver’s license).

• Extra guests

Require guests to submit more information about the extra guests or invite them to fill out the online check-in form. Extra guests can receive their own personalized guest guide.

• Number of guests

• Travel purpose

• Date of birth


By knowing the above details about your guests, you can provide them with a more personalized experience, such as offering them tailored service recommendations based on their needs.

→ Add the new fields to your online check-in form




1) New filters on the Bookings page

With new filter categories, managing your bookings becomes even more efficient.

  • Filter by Property
  • Filter by Online check-in
    • Submitted
    • Not submitted

→ Go to your bookings


2) New data in booking export

The booking data export now includes more booking details, such as:

Customer identity type
Customer identity doc number
Customer identity doc date issued
Customer gender
Customer birth date
Extra guests

→ Go to your bookings


3) Quick actions on the Bookings page

You can now perform quick actions for a booking directly from the Bookings page.

Guest guide:
• Open guest guide link
• Copy guest guide link
• View service recommendations (Tailored service recommendations based on your guest profile)

• Send email
• Call
• Send SMS

→ Go to your bookings


4) Quick actions on the Properties page

You can now perform quick actions for a property directly from the Properties page.

• Open guest guide link
• Copy guest guide link

→ Go to your properties


5) Updated booking details page

With new information categorization and additional data added, you can now have a more complete picture of your bookings and guests.

New information categorization.
Addition of information from the guest’s online check-in.
Addition of quick actions (Send email, call, send SMS).
Addition of “Guests” tab with information about the extra guests.
Addition of “Services” tab with tailored service recommendations based on the guest’s profile.

→ Go to your bookings


6) Import Airbnb listings from an XLSX file

The property import process is simplified with the ability to import Airbnb listings from an XLSX file.

→ Import your Airbnb listings from an XLSX file

View the guide


Our team is constantly working to improve your experience with Tourmie. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements coming soon!



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