Guest Guide: New version with a refreshed look and new features

The new version of Tourmie’s Guest Guide is now available! We’re constantly working to improve the user experience for you and your guests, and we’re excited to announce significant updates to the Guest Guide, making it even simpler and more functional.



With a refreshed look, improved layout, and new features, the new Guest Guide is the best way to provide your guests with all the information they need to enjoy their stay.


What’s new in the Guest Guide:


Refreshed look

The Guest Guide has now a more modern and clean design, with an emphasis on ease of use.


Improved layout

Information has been organized more efficiently, making it easier for your guests to easily find the information they are looking for.


Personalized Service Recommendations

The new Guest Guide provides personalized service recommendations, based on your guests’ needs.


Multilingualism (beta)

You can now customize your Guest Guide content in French, German, Italian, and Spanish!

Coming soon: Greek version


Try Tourmie’s new Guest Guide

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