Tourmie x WebHotelier

Tourmie connects with WebHotelier’s Booking Engine to help you enhance your hotel’s guest experience.

About WebHotelier

Quickly, easily and at minimum cost, WebHotelier’s Channel Manager is the easiest and fastest way to set up and maintain your hotel information, tariffs, and availability on the most popular online travel agent websites such as, Expedia, HotelBeds, AirBnB, Agoda, and others.

Online and in real-time, upload your room availability and rates, keep track of all bookings coming from every single website and maintain your rate integrity by guaranteeing rate parity across all channels.

How does the integration work


Automatic import or association of listings

By connecting your WebHotelier account to Tourmie, you can automatically import your WebHotelier listings into Tourmie or simply relate them to your existing ones.


Automatic import of bookings

After connecting your accounts, all your new bookings will automatically import from WebHotelier to Tourmie. Any changes or updates made on WebHotelier will be automatically reflected on Tourmie.


Personalized guest experience

Make your guests feel special. Tourmie automatically generates a personalized guest guide URL for each of your guests, with guest information and tailored recommendations.

Are you a WebHotelier user?

Get 30% off your first 3 months on Tourmie Premium!

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